Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Collaboration discussion evidencing

As well as lists similar to previously scanned in with brainstorms, moodboards and main points written down, we kept in touch primarily through these discussions and facebook as this was the easiest way to show each other our designs as we were working on them in a quick and efficient manner.

Unfortunately, Nanami can't be here today to merge personal notes and timeframes with but I feel we communicated confidently and I set time limits and goals every time we finished and agreed on a part of our project which I am happy with.

An example of when my partner couldn't attend a crit and I communicated I would put our ideas forward as she sent me scans and we arranged to meet the next day to swiftly catch up

Discussing and developing our gift card styles comparing scans and artist inspiration. I always try and be motivating and very positive when working with others as I feel this is one way of getting the best work in a team.

Confirming final mockups and decisions on our charity 

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