Sunday, May 13, 2018

Self Evaluation

Coming up with my own projects was ofcourse going to be exciting in terms of portfolio and being able to use my style with my strengths, but I didn’t realise it created a lot of unpredictable development which was retrospectively very interesting.

Attached along with this pack are two early versions of my written briefs, and through these and developments for each project on my blog, you see how projects have jumped changed and formed, most times, in to a completely different deliverable!

Exploring possibilities of outcome given our more flexible time period created chance for designs and new ideas to grow a lot better than they would have done in a shorter span of time. Although I always aimed to have certain projects done by a certain mark, I took the chance to give some a little more time when an interesting point of feedback or inspiration took course.

Working on these showed reiterated how quickly getting contact/feedback should be done as a big learning curve was that feedback is essential to any brief and design development. Graphic design is about the demographic being targeted and the way the design will be channelled and this year I have explored more of a variety of these avenues, wether it be stickers or social media advertisements.

This has shown me I enjoy being versatile in my deliverables, and I have been challenged in this by clients or by experimenting with different outcomes such as pull up banners. I have a more informed awareness of the power design has to get a message across, wether it be words or visuals. My projects aimed to show versatility in outcome as graphic design can be applied everywhere! Despite this I still wanted my own style to come through in the way I design.

Feedback throughout this year through portfolio surgeries, placement and careers advice have strengthened my style more than ever as I have received feedback that I was aiming to hear. My portfolio and style have said to have been commercial, fun and easy to understand. It was also encouraged to keep inputting illustration as it can be an additional strength to separate me from competitors in industry.

I have been applying for jobs and opportunities as I have learnt on this course to just go for it, which is a confident skill I have gained. I have had my first creative interview which through my variety of professional engagement this year and professional feedback, would have been less prepared for.

In presentation feedback, I was delighted to be complimented on my presentation and people skills which suit my desire to work in groups. I am very much a people person and communicator, always enthusiastic to my peers, which will give me an edge in interviews and for the types of agency brand jobs I have been applying for. Going freelance has never seemed suitable for me due to my character. Through this year I have realised through end results of my projects that I would have loved to expand them even more with other skills, that would be present with a creative team. This is positive as I could see my end designs going in to other avenues which indicates they are strong.

My design is always quite bold and colourful, which gives me a style. I worry about this however, not looking versatile enough, but the jobs I am going for require a eye catching design or idea. I have chosen not to visit or apply to extremely corporate companies as this is not me.

Definitely for improvement while I work towards the future is too polish my end products even more as the mock-ups I have created this year I haven’t been happy with. Beginning to do product shoots with relevant materials beside the product would have really boosted my design work and I am going to do this from now on. Also, I realise I have been lucky in terms of time to complete these projects but realise in industry there are strict deadlines and unexpected ones! Thankfully, I enjoy deadlines and towards the end of one I thrive under the pressure, and this year managing my own projects and collaborations has strengthened my scope on how much more I can transform my ideas in to and present them to team or client.

Despite these issues I am quite happy with my work, as I wanted the pieces to show who I am as a person and a creative in my portfolio, and through feedback I am happy to hear this has come through to people! My self-branding and portfolio are tied in together importantly to represent my energy and enthusiasm as a designer which I hope works well for me in the future!

1 comment:

  1. Nice blog! 11 Simple strategies to build Self-Confidence Building Skills by Dr. Nazempoor 1. Present yourself with confidence · 2. Smile and look people in the eye · 3. Give genuine compliments to others. Many people start working out to lose weight or build muscle, but exercise can also be a huge boost to your self-confidence.
