Tuesday, May 8, 2018

Research Brief 10 - Final banner

Final feedback on these was that the second two are more visually interesting, but could still look quite harsh. It was suggested with the shapes I source inspiration from Japanese designs like these

'smoother images are more soothing. Maybe try taking the third one and apply a Gaussian blur. Love the texture just think it’s a bit more aggressive if you get me but a blur could make it look more like clouds?'

My solution was to pick the middle image but using gaussian blur on the shapes to soften the imagery. My conclusion was that the leaves looked to tropical, even though they are definetley calming, they are better there physically along with the soft imagery. In this case it looked too plant themed rather than a non distracting environmental/interior addition.

Similar to these images just put up in university about mindfullness. Similar direction in designing a visual to accompany mindfullness, soft blues/whites shapes.

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