Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Production Decisions presentation key points and problems

-Making a web interface and designing for screen, colour coding must be given with final hand in to ensure consistency (standard or Alexa) and final prompting of feedback on Facebook wether to do a website or an app, a friend who uses Dicogs replied - ' Redesign of discogs, I hate searching on there but like the fact you can create a wish list x' 
And in regards to which idea to bring forward, the shuffler or the marketplace expanded and simplified, ''
Being able to scan Vinyls for price and condition would be pretty great, but if you didn't have the physical record in front of you, it wouldn't work. Could you not maybe join both ideas together? 
-We were given research that shows 80% of web typefaces in a million are serif, which justifies my use of Helvetica, which was also chosen as most universal. Arial and Georgia serif were also shown to be the most commonly used and therefore most universal, so I could try these as they are viable options suitable for my mass audience
-Most commonly, titles and menu are at the top, which I used in one wireframe. However, one peer said this distracted too much from my picture grid layout interestingly, and that my sidebar wireframe was a lot more suitable. It is difficult to decide as that was a few peoples matter of opinion, against what is the most common layout which less digitally able vinyl buyers would feel at ease using more.
-There is a 12 grid theory which allows ease of movement of interface parts,flexibility and consistency will be needed depending on which way I develop my interface further. Although I have a grid used as seen on my mockups and wireframes, having more flexibility would be ideal depending how I go as now my interface has columns due to my focus on enlarging and celebrating vinyl artworks like in the stores.
-12pt minimum type size for legibility, 6-8 words length which is important to remember as this is relevant information as my website is universal.

Problems-header title and menu or sidebar?
-Marketplace as intended with less other features, and the vinyl randomizer, or just a website and app dedicated to shuffling different genres or other groups of vinyl on a marketplace with just a search option?
-Plain background for simplicity and enhancement and contrast against large artworks or full poster/music sticker walls like in vinyl stores?

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