Monday, January 30, 2017

Thirsty Planet Development

Final crit/feedback
'the type for the first is too bold and it takes too much away from the background design'
'first typeface is...abit to serious for the style of poster' 'reminds me too much of lush or bodyshop which has already been done'
-Need to simplify and use successful moodboard and feedback for a set
-More phrases
-Use handmade elements for genuinity as most successful campaigns seem to be photographic of the situation, and as I can't do this, this is needed to empathetic impact.

Design Decisions
-Lowered opacity layers based on existing subtle shape layering/styling already used by TP seen here
Thirsty Planet Pump Aid
-3 colour swap of unity symbol shape informed by flag colours
-water splash coming from bottle, advertises the actual product
-large catchphrase encouraging feel-good positivity about the brand and the donations

-tropical leaves based on the location and represents nourishment, painted to display honesty and -ethics of the company. also catch the attention of target audience age range as tropical leaves are a current design trend selling well currently
-Typeface more honest and less flashy, with small detail embodying little splashes coming off the lettering. that style typeface has also been a trend of late within the 18-24 age range
-plastic effect on painting in the background mimics water drops on the water, aswell as with the bursts of colour symbolism of health and nourishment, and the plastic bottle.
-quotations directly from website to get their ethics out there accompanying relevant catchphrase

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