Monday, October 19, 2015

Analytical Interim of Boots Rebranding

It is now a good stage now that we have had feedback on our ideas and I have a clear direction I am going in for the rebrand.

Both my ideas were more on making the Boots logo look more of what it actually is, generally in it's more gifts and beauty side, as their advertising is mainly feminine and celebrates this aspect of it's reputation, and its tagline being: 'Lets Feel Good'.

A reason I chose Boots is because it is a place I go in to very often as do my family and friends, and as soon as you walk in you are greeted by very well dressed make up counter women, and you can smell the perfume and it is a place you walk in to treat yourself. I am aware the pharmacy and opticians are for a wider target audience not just aimed at women/people who like to keep well groomed- this is why I have decided to not make the type a different colour. I am keeping with the white against a dark background to keep it similar to the current logo, but I want to give it a fresh new look as the current one doesn't make much sense. It is a well know brand that is recognisable but I want to do something new with it.

To go with the feel good aspect, the type of font I want to work with is a sans serif font with circle cut outs in the middle that resemble light bulbs/lit up mirrors that would be seen at makeup counters/shows, and I want it to look welcoming to people on the high street. I am very wary, as were my critique group, of not wanting it to become tacky, as it is one of the most respected brands on the high street in its sector, if not number one. It has very loyal older customers such as my grandma, and I wouldn't want it to become tacky and put people off. It will be a challenge, but I will try out every font I find in it's style to make it look best as it can and try kerning in 5 ways. So far, I have found the 3 similar fonts: Adam Gorry, Cheerful Party and Budmo. I will continue to search for more, but so far Adam Gorry is working most as the circles aren't too large; although, I'm wary of it looking like horse shoes. Budmo has larger circles and spaces nicely but the 'B's negative space is a crescent which doesn't look correct but due to the circles within the letter it'd be hard to edit but I will try. Cheerful party overall looks too narrow in its design, even when spaced out. There are many others I'm finding but with stars instead of circles, which would make it look like a children's party shop which I'd certainly avoid! Also ones with the light bulb effect around the text, which would give it the oval frame in a different design but the font is too retro looking and it'd look like a barbers.

I am pretty set on the white against a dark shade of purple, whichever shade that may be! Rather than making different versions linking to different departments like I had mocked up and showed to my critique groups, it overcomplicated things and indeed looked a little tacky. I will just keep this as a concept to push the idea, but I am going to keep everything simple and focus on the typeface and its kerning.

It is definitely going to be in capitals as I want it to have that wow factor and may stand out more than the current hand rendered logo. I considered hand rendering, however I am cautious of my own drawing of the typeface not looking solid and professional enough so I am going to stick to basics; however, my final branding will be different and stand out thats for sure. I am so keen to highlight its warm, friendly, approachable, feel good atmosphere that it is celebrated for.

Another point to consider is- Do i keep it italic? Keep the oval? I will experiment with this and see if it works, but as I am not keeping the outer wrapping detail it may not look balanced enough, but it is something I certainly need to consider as it is know for being a detailed unique brand. Also very important to remember is it's transferability, which I don't think will be too much of an issue as I am keeping it quite simple.

If we were to start again, I would have taken this route, or due to the respectable name of the brand and it's surname I would have gone for a vintage font such as the 'Mendl's' typeface in Grand Budapest Hotel, rather than being quite out there and considering lit up wire fonts already. However, I think that would be the very safe option so I am glad I am opting for a very modern rebranding.

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