Friday, October 30, 2015

Studio Brief 2 Interim Crit

Although at this stage I have a few sketches and a good idea of what I imagine Bashful to be embodied as, it is crucial to get others opinions, especially with my word as many have never even heard of it! It's most famous link is to the dwarf character named after it in Snow White for his adorable blushing and shyness. This links it to a more childlike, genuine and innocent aspect.

Definitions I got from people included:modest, insecure, self doubting and afraid.
I believe afraid may be too strong of a word as that would be more shy than bashful, bashful can be bold in its own delicate way but curls in when any attention or compliments are given.

Also discussing with the group their words was inspirational to me as I had more ideas than I had thought on each adjective to help them.

An aspect I hadn't delved in to yet was the research of each individual typeface option and it was helpful to see them all put in to context and what they would be used for/associated with.

I was very proud to have gotten very positive feedback on the manifesto of our given font to research- 'Baskerville' as I summarised it in the way I always do, in a straight to the point way with all the key points. This has reassured me my summaries are probably at a good enough level.

What I found especially interesting about John Baskerville the creator, is that he was illiterate! He was a printer who had solely focused on each letters form and embellishments opposed to how it worded well, which did work perfectly as the craft of each letter was so perfect.

Summary of Baskerville

Key Points





Times New Roman



Definitions of Bashful from feedback

These are all extremely helpful in me picking the best suited font and for future references.

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