Monday, November 2, 2015

Typesetting Takeaway Menus

Based on vignelli's theories which make publications easiest to read along with good legibility and readability, include:
-Left side alignment opposed to centred body of text are harder on the eye, and justified creates rivers in text
-Orphans are one word left from a previous page paragraph and look unorganised and unprofessional left
-Widows can be a few words not as long as the upper lines of the paragraph

To adjust orphans and widows, factors such as size/tracking/kerning/line length and leading can alter these issues.

Many of the menus I looked at were hard on the eye, but very careful to keep the left alignment and I didn't spot any orphans or widows on any i saw at all. I chose this one as it used centred body text and the 'New' apart from fitting with the chinese symbol, had no reason to be on its own so I adjusted these to work with Vignellis ideas.

This was very challenging in sense of layout, as its main style is central so although I wanted to stick very much so to the left alignment I couldn't for the tagline as it wouldn't look right at all.

In terms of its design, for its oriental theme I think the title when aligned along with the imagery and colours work. Maybe the tree detail should be muted for the text to be more readable, but I edited the type as there were spelling mistakes and some of the text needs to be bolder and not as varied. I only used 3 typefaces as more than that is often classed as bad design especially in Vignelli's canon.

Types were chosen to be clearer and more legible, but the type I did the tagline and 'free' in I chose as it seems to match the oriental theme and is slightly decorative while still being legible. Also the number is one of the most important parts of a menu so it now looks a lot more eye grabbing in red and a lot bolder.

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