Monday, November 23, 2015

Wayfinding Initial Research

By searching 'wayfinding' in tumblr to come up with ideas from inspiration. I chose to start in Tumblr as people post mainly what they find amazing or unusual, which I wanted to seek out. Looking through I was cautious to only be looking deeper in to the ones that instantly communicated to me rather than artsy more complex wayfinding which wouldn't be easiest to understand. Practicality is key to this brief. I picked imagery and concepts I found to be practical and differing in design that looks interesting and can appeal to wide audiences.

This use of gradient lines can be altered to the floor levels and colour coded routes

Different perspective, used for a very busy place/good ceiling interior place where people will be looking up a lot

Pinterest research

Bold, simple, loud but effective use of the numbers shape makes it interesting
Pinned embossed/button effect with unique pictograms
Handwrendered approach

Single column on wall which is easy navigation all in one place

Cut out effect creating raised effect. Could work very effectively with the simplest of shapes
Very classy and sophisticated sheened button-like signs that are clear and confident without being too over the top

To Consider: what level the signage will be (wall,floor,above...)
within a shape or freehand, or consistent alignment
pantones relation to store/trail/audience
making as universal and legible as possible (avoid complex ideas such as shadow/neon signage/bending)
will it be multi-storey, what needs to be included
include a map route?
appropriate semiotics and syntactics 

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