Monday, November 23, 2015

Study Task 1

Wayfinding on a trail around Leeds…I really wanted to find the Leeds uni art trail as it sounds interesting, and visit leeds art gallery, however it was closed on this day so I will get more images then. I got a variety though!

General street way finding

I found the rose bowl food court to be a potential place to design for, as I can adapt the colours and make my own pictograms for the floors/departments/food court. If not, this is a source of inspiration and a guideline.

A very clearly old style of signage, not as easy to read and engravings are quite thin and aged. This is a good example to show how the times have developed and changed in design within the last century. 

For multiple levels, very clear and straightforward and works from the level you are on

An example of sectioning/categorizing as wayfinding

Overhead very clear reading for older visitors who may be shortsighted and ideal for a busy place

I like the simplicity and stair detail adding a unique effect to the signage. I think the type could be larger and clearer in the lines though. This is helpful to gather such imagery as you can spot what could be changed for the better aswell as sourcing information.

Primark's loud and large floor directions are big enough to see over the crowds and chaos, and it is a nice touch to have a variation of typeface for each department although I wouldn't get carried away with this.

Ideal for a busy shopping centre

And these are some pictograms, not used for wayfinding but are good examples of clear transferable designs

I am extremely eager to get the hand of vectoring as it it something I want to incorporate in this brief so I need to practice. Using photography is something i'm really happy about as I enjoy doing it too!

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