Monday, November 30, 2015

Study Task 2: Symbols/olympic pictograms and feedback

2010 Youth Olympic Games in Singapore.

Very basic rounded shapes of the sporting with a flamed head detail. I would keep it simple like this and maybe just use a rounded head and lines without flame/stroke detail to keep it more universal as this was specific to the Singapore event. However, the compositions of the sports are very clear and justifiable so I will use these for reference on grid given, rather than others I have seen that are done by different angles or are simply line based.  Having the rounded bodies make the pictograms more identifiable and differentiate from the basic stick man, and are a justifiable design decision for it being a youths olympics giving it more of a fun tone to its design, including the flame head.

Moscow 1980; another useful reference to my approach to the sketching of each sport of an olympic game which stretches the shapes to the edge,which I don't want to do as I want to work centrally within the grid.

Beginning in small scale, I began to try and get the flow and movement of the athlete in cohise with the graph and I was really enjoying the curves of the objects and body and feel it captures the movement as the ends are full and then towards the end, points, like a direction.  When moving to digitalising my final football pictogram I refined and made the football smaller to make it as obvious as possible that it is the football as it needs to be direct and clear to anyone.

It's a natural, free and flowing design style that represents the empowerment of the sports and fluidity of the athletes in olympic games, doesn't give off a rigid impression like a line design could. unrealistic human form that is expressing the movement, so it does not imply any certain body types which will appeal universally to audiences and will not offend at all due to body pressures felt in advertising everyday in society. This football represents football in pictogram form, presenting the human body in it's most basic form. The drawings composition is capturing the act of the sport itself in a simple form for all audiences to understand. It is a symbol that can be applied in any other form.

In feedback, the concept was accepted and peers enjoyed the flexible design but as I knew, it needed a lot of refining with the pen tool on Illsutrator which I need to get the hang of and differentiate the football by adding a pattern, and get the scale of the body more accurate.

The scale of the entire pictogram is said to be appropriate from distances, which is a key success point of this style of design due to its shape opposed to line. Colour can be easily applied and has the possibility of working as signage, 3D fabricated signage and projection.

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