Friday, November 6, 2015

'Bashful' Typeface Interim Crit

Feeling very confident in my design decisions and research, going in to the crit I wasn't too worried and the feedback I got wasn't many adjustments, but praise on my research and elaborating on aspects of designs I had already looked at.

It was a mix of opinions on which to choose, but all agreed they fitted the characteristics really well. It was suggested I try and mix aspects such as the bulbed curled serifs on to the two other sketches. Therefore I need to mix them up and find the best, and sketch them accurately and transfer on to Illustrator. A good thing to do also is try and warp them to gain any new ideas, however I am pretty set which is good at the middle stage as I know exactly what I now need to work on over the coming week.

Positive feedback included that I had very thorough development and informed design decisions, and a good identification of context. It was recommended I put the type in context of a sorry card which I suggested it could be a very legible typeface for due to its sincerity and innocence, which I will do!

In terms of which typeface to start from, nothing was recommended as they saw I had a firm idea, so now it is just finding the perfect bodied one with elements of the others used such as the serifs.

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