Sunday, December 6, 2015

Wayfinding Development ADD APPLIED PICS

So far in my experimentation of ideas relating to the gallery such as painted signage/use of pastel colour/framing, Ive concluded the framing is the most appropriate form of signage although this needs to be critiqued and varied to get the best outcome.

When trying layer effects applying the signage in to the environment itself, the 'darker' layer effect made the sign only the black signage which looks a lot more thought out as when I put the initial black and white sign up it had the danger of looking like it had just been typed up on word and stuck up/not thought through. This layer effect gave the signage the look of a vinyl, and the contrast/clarity works brilliantly as the black is against the clean white/cream canvas like colour of the walls made to make the art come alive, which my wayfinding has been designed to not take away from but be clear and efficient in directing visitors. Another way this works well for the art gallery is that vinyl is easily applied, which means changing signage for each new exhibition wouldn't be damaging to the walls, and is very cheap to produce which means it is a cost efficient solution for the council funded institution.

While developing this strong idea further, also what needs to be considered is if it will stay as flat vinyl and other ways it could be adjusted dimensionally to stand out more to visitors. As the vinyl seems most appropriate, having the idea of it being a raised sign is something to back up my design further as it is very simple and one colour, and the frame isn't overcomplicated therefore other methods could easily be adjusted to the wayfinding. After the final critique, the signage will be finished and applied in to the high res images of the gallery and adjustments based on feedback will be applied to get the best result.

Bigger signage than current depending on space of walls.

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