Tuesday, December 5, 2017

Brief 2: Feedback from Liv Siddal

'Instagram is the new zine'

general feedback was

-to create more of these images, making them a consistent set for the instagram account.
-work in rows, using other additions such as magazine cut outs and glitter etc instead of just flowers
-'Instagram is the new zine'
-take comments off the images as they take away from the visual, and just post as the caption
-in terms of zine, if instagram is successful and gets submissions/feedback, make the zine a new project including articles even
-to create more images i will use any submissions from my envelopes around uni and add more stories from friends and myself

'Instazine' crops up in thousands of tags but a lot are within one post, with multiple spreads. this will be arranged to be the entire instagram, consistent

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