Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Brief 2: Beginning body image collage and feedback

Although I have named the project brief 'Body Empowerment Series', creating the collages has become quite confusing whilst gathering pieces just from print as they are reflecting the responses I have collected.

I am at a point where I don't know wether to represent their previous feelings to achieve reflection, but then this could come across as not very positive and more serious? Or take what they used to dislike and celebrate it through collage? When asking peers for feedback mixed opinions were given, one being that a serious reflection in the end is positive as these people have now embraced these flaws and it will continue to empower them to shun these feelings of self doubt.

However, due to the initial title of this project, working positively matches the aims. I am going to begin creating the collages and see what works best due to mixed feedback. If the project changes it's angle slightly but with the same message, this can still work.

The reason this is intended to be highly visual and present on social media, rather than making a publication of quotes and writings is due to the target audiences addiction to social media and fast information.

'According to researched complied by 3M, the corporation behind Post-it Notes, visuals are processed 60,000 times faster than text, which means you can paint a picture for your audience much faster with an actual picture. It’s no surprise then that HubSpot’s social-media scientist Dan Zarrella found tweets with images are 94% more likely to be retweeted than tweets without.'https://www.fastcompany.com/3035856/why-were-more-likely-to-remember-content-with-images-and-video-infogr

The aim is for these to be shared and seen by people all over the world, Instagram being the perfect platform as it is visual and can be hashtagged on a huge scale. If the focus of a post can be celebratory of parts of peoples bodies they have overcome this can help others if they are seeking positivity or reassurance in a young target audience. If this can be remembered more by being visual, then this is more likely.

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