Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Brief 2: Reading 'Cut It Out' for inspiration

From this book as well as looking at contemporary collage styles that combine mixed media by hand and digital graphic design, seeing where artists source their imagery from was important for this project.

Many are from old publications, their own companies visual work or gettyimages/ free image sites. Like with the flowers I have used which are free images, I can begin looking for relevant images to combine my existing images and experiments with for this test. Many artists also specifically collect weird and wonderful old books to use for reference images.

Although this style looks brilliant and the concept of having mixed up views on our bodies is relevant to collage, the way the project has developed is using social media imagery/comments as the core element and as it is made positive, using flowers as a metaphor for growth and natural beauty, I find it hard to maintain this message using the cut outs from magazines I have with the responses.

Therefore, to stay synced to the responses and have a positive growth spin on this series, I am going to use my developed digital experiments altering slightly adding perhaps stickers/illustration/wording, rather than a whole collage of unrelated images.

In feedback, the zine style of the experiments was a comment I got a lot, so continuing to work in this style with adding and scanning back in can be done. As well as posting these on a new body positive Instagram I will make, making a zine of the images to accompany the Instagram would fit well as the theme of these images and developed project are appropriate for a zine sharing 'safe space'.

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