Monday, November 13, 2017

Brief 2: Feedback and new aims

An idea that came up in a crit was to link and send this project to a charity to promote, a charity which promotes the same self love and reaches out to those in need.

However, if to be linked commercially, the images need to all be my own that I collage. This means I will perhaps have to design and illustrate which is actually a scary opportunity to incorporate my personal illustration style which I am nervous about. Due to my dislike of the results of initial collage experiments I knew it had to be done differently.

Using my own photography and illustrations will be the new direction as potentially working with a charity would be amazing. Charities I have to contact as soon as I get a style working to show them so far-

Be Real Campaign
Girls Out Loud - sent
Body Gossip- sent

Zines taking submissions would also be appropriate to send images to as the topic discusses how people have overcome these personal body image issues.
Polyester- sent

Platforms that can be used to share (given in feedback)-

Instagram, sponsored
Zines distributed to charities and walk in centres etc
Urban Outfitters Sheet zine
Missguided Babe zine
Happy News

In feedback it was also suggested I use Instagram's collage apps as a modern take on social media images being manipulated.

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