Monday, November 27, 2017

Brief 5: YCN Art Fund

Brief to make a campaign for students to get an art pass in Autumn 2018.

Want to approach this in a relatable humorous way to make the campaign stand out 'amongst all the freshers clutter' as they say in the brief.

Before I get feedback in a tutorial today, my inital ideas are:

Exploring the worlds beauty on your doorstep

'Gap Yah' play on student cliche's- instead of a gap year they go on about all the amazing places they have visited with the art pass
Get Cultured
Something to talk about
Get Inspired
Something to share

Bringing galleries and museums back in fashion
No more expensive dates to impress your Tinder date

Sick of your laptop screen?
Words not making sense anymore?

FREE: culture, history, escape, trip, procrastination, date, inspiration, discovery, flat outing, adventure, city hopping

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