Saturday, March 5, 2016

Money Interim Crit and Feedback

Despite having a huge range of ideas I brought these forward in feedback as I felt they were quite different and more conceptual to others I was hearing about. Although an important factor of research, a lot of ideas were based on the countries themselves or security of the money itself. Mine were thought of upon the ideas and what is related to money itself and turning these in to a new design for money.

My fruit machine idea didn't get much feedback but upon hearing others I realised these could be done in a literal cross between casino chips/coin forms which I found very interesting as a concept. Also, a thought I had overlooked is that money has two sides to it so one could be the fruit and its value and the other side could be its texture. It is hard to fault this idea as fruits are very distinctive in their textures and are different colours which can be fun to work with print wise and having the potential use of embossing. This is a fun, more Vegas style take on money which on the other hand can be used to promote the healthy and prosperity of whichever country it is chosen to work in. Having a visually exciting concept is great but it also needs the other side, a purpose for where it is made for and what it can represent.

I did not really get feedback on this idea, and I involved it as it is quite different to my other ideas as it is more of a negative concept but can be uplifted by its production/design and other ideas I can put on the note such as symbols that represent hard labour which could be empowering when receiving money? Feeling it is well earnt? Promoting hard work ethics and appreciating money more itself. Could be screenprinted, the layers of blood splats/sweat and a tear drop in the corner not exactly representing sadness but a symbol of being genuine and human rather than just feeling part of the system/just a number for your earnings.

My golden ticket idea seemed to get people quite excited, which I had predicted, and it was suggested this could look like a limited edition piece that could be collected or make people feel special if they received it, although in the real world, like the film itself, people would want to keep them all for themselves representing greed. However, as this is an exhibition, this could be so enjoyable to produce and perhaps simplified in terms of colours. If on gold foil stock, embossed stars and type could be quite easy to produce but memorable within the exhibition. I need to consider wether to have the edges with the ripped off ticket edge to it to consider durability. In feedback I became confused at times when people considered mass production but these are important considerations to take notice of. I probably won't get too hung up on these issues though as this is for an art exhibition and is representing money in the most eccentric ways possible to make it an enjoyable, conceptual visit and this is what I want to primarily focus on!

Not many responses on this and having a dig at the greed of banks isn't suggested but I hadn't seen anyone delve into an idea like this, which is weird as this is a long standing tradition relating to money. With these ideas I need to develop them further to see the most succesful outcomes but the feedback was helpful and interesting in terms of considerations I had overlooked and knowing which directions people were taking, in which I feel I went quite abstract in comparison to a lot of others. What is important to me is having strong concepts and backing them up whilst having one of the most unique exhibits, not getting hung up on how they would work in the real world production wise (the semiotics ofcourse.)

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