Monday, March 7, 2016

Studio Brief 3 Initial Discussions

Ideas of navigation around the main room. Being in the shape of a currency sign would be difficult for accessibility but the idea was to project the cctv image from above adding a security aspect like a bank. Other was to have the cubicles to be sprouting out from the inner block in the room.

Group 3 were all bouncing off the walls with ideas and were on rolls whereas I felt I needed to research and visit exhibitions to really consider the layout and how it can be presented. Being with people I don't usually work with who are so fast at hitting great ideas I also felt my ideas were silly and too immature (such as having a piggy bank piƱata to interact with in the exhibition) to match up but this will pass. I also feel we are a very strong group in terms of organisation and taking everything in to consideration such as the layout, concepts and way finding seriously.

Very interesting ways we thought of making the exhibit an experience was to add desks and monitors to play on the idea on an office but have them very bright and like a structure to the art whilst relating to money and the building alike. These colours could work with our other idea inspired by Warhols Pop Art work of money signs. These can be very bold and memorable designs for promotion. An only issue with this is taking away from the artwork itself, but if played right this could become our branding identity and is 60s like the building and can be spray painted potentially rather than printed, which works perfectly with our exhibition theme of being manually made currency.

Another amazing idea brought up was having the different symbols of money tracked together and used to become way finding or work up the walls or in a pop art image. This celebrates all different currencies and is a positive unifying light on banking and global economy.

We talked about what could be in the introductory room, being filled with our branding identity and having a free bar possibly, engaging and anticipating. Also rather than having work all on one wall, add a small amount of cubicles enough for it to be easy to navigate but be able to see work more individually. Considerations such as accessibility and being enough room incase it gets busy are important.

Themes then that were initially suggested are pop art, security/cctv, office setup, currency symbol link pattern, projecting video, neon lighting and security pen feedback that can only be seen through UV light, water fountain feedback, coin spinning feature to raise funds and write feedback on, money tree of feedback, prints not dead celebration. I need to begin to sketch from my own research and develop some ideas which we have arranged to bring forward at the end of the week to discuss, 3 distinct ideas.

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