Saturday, January 13, 2018

Brief 2: Going online and responses

After deciding through feedback from Liv, to sticker and collage the images by hand for Instagram and take off the 'comment box' to allow the image to speak, these are being uploaded in rows per day with hashtags such as #bodyconfidence, #mentalhealth, #bodytalk etc to draw in the target audience of those seeking positive body talk and draw in like minded communities on Instagram. The goal is to gain a significant amount of followers and comments with continuation, and receive comments on the images and quotes helping them. Hopefully will get some submissions which I have added are welcome in the bio!

These are some of the images I will be uploading with stickered details.

The Instagram is named 'bodyposizine' as this is a popular short term on Instagram for body positive, and it's DIY aesthetic with stickers and collage stay true to zines and their 'safe space' personal style.

Over the past 2 weeks I have posted to keep a momentum going, and this is the final Instagram feed for bodyposizine (for now)
I will post a call for submissions to hopefully gain more interest and keep this project going!

I am still considering doing this as a zine if it would add depth to the project in terms of the zine diy style which would perhaps have more effect in print form.

Comments received-

  • 'fortbestehenYou know it was all exactly the same for me. I just dislike how it shows, while it doesn’t for others but I gotta appreciate my body and love it the way it is & so do you 💕'
  • 'bp.warriorSo glad you learned to love your body.. you are stronger than the opinions others have of you 🌹'
  • 'blonde.bratzomg i love this concept!! thanks for bringing body confidence awareness!!'

    'herb4tBigger is not better. Its the quality of love you give that makes you shine above the rest.'
  • 'daringdanielleSo beautiful 💫'

    All positive feedback so far, that they enjoy the concept I have designed to accompany the stories which is important if I am going to take this forward and produce a zine.

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