Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Brief 7: Ultimate Festival pitch

Inspired by a project pitch I did for Dines one of our Creative Network speakers, came this festival idea which will compromise all the components of the best biggest european festivals which makes the music festival the 'ultimate' of the summer.

Creating 'the ULTIMATE European festival', 'the big blow out!', 'the adventure of a lifetime!!'
targeted at 18-40 year olds, music lovers, adventure and thrill seekers, the indecisive and the fun...
Can't decide between holiday or festivals? why decide!

It is very common to see festival goers with a rack of different wristbands on their arm even years after going just to show they had been...if there was one ultimate wristband which meant you had done it all, how much cooler would that be. an indestructable, crazily eyecatching and with a fun design, waterproof and awesome.Combining winning components of once in a lifetime festivals, create the best and the biggest in a spot ideal for holidays as well!

This is brand new so it needs an exciting fun brand identity to grab the audiences with an exciting new twist. Perhaps it could be volunteer based so you get the festivals for free but just pay for travelling? Music, art, beer, food!

Ultimately this must be branded based on existing festival design and packages whilst also incorporating elements of legendary european festivals. Also the wristband must stand out amongst others, the branding has to be strong and give off a high energy making thrill seekers want to buy!

need to create-
brand identity

This pitch was so fun and the feedback I got was enthusiastic enough to make this one of my Extended Practice briefs
Being challenged on the spot can sometimes give you the biggest ideas and it was really fun and motivating to hear every one else pitch! Dines was an enthusiastic speaker who inspired me to just design what excites me wether it be for uni or outside of it!

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