Monday, February 15, 2016

Chvrches- Clearest Blue Initial Ideas

I researched the song by seeing previous artwork which involved
pixelated photography 
Build up of song, of which I want to have bursts of colour which represent the increasing tempo and poppy
Gem tears the front woman has worn in performances on numerous occasions which represent the frustration and breakdown of love sung about in the lyrics
Breakdown of a relationship the love never being enough to keep them together
My designs are quite free flowing and mixed colours and textures, mixed like the complicated relationship and the poppy tempo

'Feel it coming in, if i ever try to push you away just keep me there'
Relating to the title clearest blue too, I thought it may be a distinctive idea to have ocean tides forming in to silhouettes of a couple but being torn apart by a stormy current. This came in to mind remembering the story of Moses when he opens up the ocean, the split which relates to the lyrics in this song, 'meet me halfway'.
'Light above us like it always us' referencing the sky lit up night or day which is consistent, but the tidal waves aren't.
the stars represent a glimmer of hope 'but it's not enough'
Blue being the main colour, with bursts of bright colours to tie in with the songs electrifying tempo and energy as do the waves.
A combination of mono print experiments and my vectored drawing. I love this idea as I think it would be quite a distinctive piece of the exhibition as you can see it is not all digital, but I will take it to crit to see if it needs to be more perfected as I know the vectoring might bother people (I am still getting used to it) and I am unsure of which combination to put forward. So far people have said the one below as the colours are best contrasted in which I have added the stars which have a stick on effect giving a depth look to the cover.

Experimenting with block colour before I applied mono prints which as I am not the best at vectoring highlights the imperfections and I don't really like the solid look, and having the vivid colours within the blue represents the sound of the song to me as well as the doomed romantic image.

Using mosaic fragments to tie in with their previous artwork but making it my own. Can also represent the unclear situation of relationship, parts broken.

Variations of blues with bright vivid bursts and swirls relating to previous tidal design detail, with haircuts to represent the band and the frontwomans signature gem tears

Layering and fragmentations representing the complication of the relationship, dark and light shades of blue but inevitably tears on the forefront.
Within this gem set I added shadowing behind the teardrops to give it the look of depth as I am submitting digitally and it was hard to scan with the gems on as they are raised quite high.

Oppostites of 'Clearest' blue with contrasting blue gems

Orange to contrast title 'Clearest' Blue, with the swirl of emotions and teardrops still present

Looking at this set together it may be beneficial to have the 3 sets of tears to fill and represent each of the members!

My other concept was to use images i'd taken and demonstrate my different approaches. It was recommended that if anything caught our eye as we were walking around the city, or saw anything out the window, to take a photo of it. As I spotted these only when I had my phone camera the quality is very low res but I have tried to make it work in these images. The puddle with oil has the 'rough' surface on which the relationship seems to be, with the water being polluted with oil unhealthy but looks beautiful like love.
Displaying IMG_20160206_113814935.jpg
Displaying IMG_20160206_113814935.jpg
I saw the flowers abandoned on a sidewalk in some grass which can represent the honeymoon/party phase is over and now is just aesthetically pleasing/plastic/looks good but doesn't belong in nature as they are not working.

Torn/fragmented like relationship

I didn't want to use lyrics but I found a quote from the lead singer who refers to the song as a 'sort of cry dance' which is ambiguous to use on the cover and could be explored more depending on feedback. The droplets of water against the bursts of colour also back this quote up pretty well! The layered image is of my baking try that I had been marbling in when I had tried to wash droplets, they burst out and the bubbles and droplets give a highlighting depth to the coverart. The typeface resembles letterpress/typewriter text which is ambiguous as I want the quote to be.

Using the gem drops as the figure of the cover with variations of blue, keeping it more simple. Maybe the shadowing doesn't need to be there

When choosing, blogger is useful as you see the designs in smaller sizes when uploading and can adjust size on here which ensures you pick the most legible.  Having so much fun with layering and trying various techniques such as filters I wouldn't usually use.

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