Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Tame Impala-Less I Know The Better designs

I began working on designs for Etta James's 'At Last' but my ideas weren't transferring as well as I had in my head, and I feel i've been really passionate and in to these other two songs to design for so I have decided to focus on these.

My first few sets relate in the concept of candy. The gobstopper representing sweetness of his love for her, but the amount of time it is taking to get to her 'centre'. The circles also represent the endless cycles. So does the circles on the lollipop, and the temptation of love but the reality that it is really unhealthy and bad for him to want her. The colours and patterns tie in with their well known psychedelic style theme and I love working with this theme.

Originally meant to break a gobstopper and photograph it, but wanting to do the drip idea and really enjoying the layered circle cut out monoprints I put together, this is a gobstopper but it not so obviously. The photo of crinkled foil gives the texture of a candy wrapper that ties in with the theme while giving interesting light detail. The dripping of the gobstopper and dark matters make the candy look even more sickly and show the gruesome, falling apart side of the situation and the wear and tear as he is waiting for the girl to make her mind up.

Sets with haircuts work as a set with my Chvrches edits as does the marbling detail, and give silhouette detail defining the more crazy background still with the theme of the gobstopper and the one sided relationship going in circles

More ambiguous visuals presenting the falling apart of the bright and happy colours and patterns common with the band, can represent what the relationship is doing to his/their spirit.

Really trying to imitate the gostopper more realistically with the sides being the outer shell which are now in cracked parts representing giving up, as a lot of people do with gobstoppers as it takes so long to reach all the colours inside which is why I use this as a main theme.

Having the band members as lollipops is on its own a more minimal approach with the concept of their heads being full of infatuation and driven by the need of her love, but are blind to see her deception as they/he are so in love with her.

Image of the lollipop with subtle brush stroke filter. The shapes themselves are really satisfying along with the colours on their own and I really wanted to try a more basic approach as maybe less can be more. I can see this being a memorable, eye catching album cover and would make those who see it curious about the song.

My concept of the broken heart being barely held together by his withered tired hope of them finally being together, and the denim sleeve representing him wearing his heart on his sleeve and referencing their bands style. Reminds me slightly of the Kanye West album cover for '808's and Heartbreaks'

I tried to find a thread style typeface which would look clearer than my hand drawn threaded one but unfortunately one appropriate one I found you had to buy, but the one I used has the look of thread but is perhaps too thin to read.

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