Monday, February 29, 2016

Studio Brief 2 Initial Ideas

As we have been briefed I am aware the main direction is to not associate the negative connotations of banking that have been increasing in recent years, and this is a chance to celebrate and predict the future and different associations of currencies. As this is still ideas stage I am going to note them all and see what directions they take and how they are discussed and reacted to in the interim crit at the end of the week.

Without initial research which I will do a different blog post on, when thinking of money and its possible different associations rather than standard monarchy/political leaders which I think are extremely outdated and irrelevant to a lot of the more modernised population, some ideas are:

-False Idols such as Kim Kardashian/Justin Bieber, highlighting the obsessions and how celebrities outdate so quickly due to their fast fading relevance throughout years. This may just remain as an idea as it is rather cynical and negative

-Blood Sweat and Tears, another cynical concept but very real to money as people literally go through blood sweat and tears all their lives for money as it is an unavoidable life essential.

-Historic Events of certain countries that are relevant to the people and which are celebrated/commemorated timelessly

-Fruit Machine style, relating to the glamorous side of winning money in slot machines in dazzling places like Vegas, and could also represent temptation with the religious aspect relating to Eve eating the apple

-Stereotypes of a country, that they celebrate and bring joy or happiness to the people rather than celebrating public figures

-Patterns/styles relating to the country/town/planet? art styles, music styles, etc

-Focusing purely on what is related to the numbers/currency of the notes or coins

-Musicians/artists that have survived all decades since they began and are legends as these are probably more relatable and admired by more people than the monarchy/politicans but would have to be true legends which may be vary so this would have to be discussed thoroughly to get it as correct as possible

-Aliens? a future currency relating to the fascination of extraterrestrial life, can link in with the new show coming on channel 4 if the content is inspiring conceptually.

-Barcodes, very modern and unique tokens that are on almost everything which is overlooked

-Golden ticket. I am already excited about the prospect of this and how it can be produced stock/method wise, and the concept if you have more money, more opportunities like Charlie winning the golden ticket that let him in the chocolate factory. Has a concept behind it people understand but is a fun positive way that could be visually very exciting, and although may seem very flashy, if this was the current everybody had it would still have the dazzle but wouldn't be fought over, although kind of ironic money is fought over anyway, which is a relating point…

-Educational subjects, positivity for working class to keep going as these are the backbone of our lives and careers and are being put down by current government which are making it harder to attain further education which puts people off, but this is a way to inspire and celebrate all the subjects and there is a variety to work with.

-Piggy Bank, slight dig at the greed of the banks and money, but also relates to the long standing tradition of storing money in 'piggy banks'. Also promotes ethics and treatment of animals perhaps? Can be coins or in shape of piggy banks in different colours to represent different values. Is a longstanding tradition than stems from storage being called 'pygg's' which then became pigs to become a distinctive and collectable thing to buy and be known for storing money.

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