Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Top 5 Instagram Artists of the Month Zine

After an interim crit the idea to go forward with the monthly zine collection style seems to be a winning idea as it gives the zine the more formal theme I want to portray with my layout design. The zines I enjoy the style of are very handwrendered/DIY/loose on layout so bringing it all together using grid ding and having possibly a barcode and image of the artist in the corner of each page keeps it consistent  and gives the artist the credit, and maybe use of the instagram icon itself.

The zine will still be heavy image based, but it was brought up this could be an issue with quality of the image if I am screenshotting from instagram. I am going to see how this goes as I will be printing around A5 like standard zines anyway but this could be a design issue. It was agreed to use quite feminine calligraphy script text but attempt maybe titles or some of the body text of quotations myself aswell.

Another recommendation of putting my content together was to ask what people think of the images by the artist to include quotations as if this is the team that pick the top 5 illustrators of the month so it looks part of the collection.

Top 5 will be made part of the name and as a consistent looking feature part of a 'collection' involving different art forms such as fine art/textile artists/pattern/photographers, etc, all subjects in this college. Mine will be focused on my favourite illustrators made to look like they were picked for the top 5 of the month.

To extend on my research of zines I will explore these more and also publications that show top artist picks and see how they arrange the pages in which I will go to the library and scan/photograph ones I find inspiring and relevant.

As far as stock goes, as it is in a zine style the stock does not need to be too expensive. I may consider coloured stock but this depends on the images used and how their quality would be affected. I will probably use thick paper, and either staple of stitch in a way that doesn't affect the middle binding.

For the title page I am going to attempt the title painted/handwrendered myself as it is an art zine this relates well, and possibly the top drawing as the front cover which resembles the figure and ground typically used in magazines and zines, as my favourite illustrations are of people. Right now the name 'Velvet' seems fitting as it is a silky popular texture that has the feminine association without being strictly just for women, as this zine will obviously be very women focused due to the illustrations which I just really enjoy, probably as they relate to my style. I would never want to design something strictly one gender sided as this is wrong, but velvet being associated but not actually for women this can be an appropriate name, and I love velvet too. I think this could be a popular name especially amongst art students who would be the target audience as it is a top 5 artists of instagram monthly zine.

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