Monday, February 29, 2016

Currency Research

We all have experience with money and know money is exchanged for goods and the more money you have the more comfortably you can live, but in my research I want to explore the aspects around the main knowledge of moneys function.

Point is made currency is not money but represents money and that money is imaginary in our head and represents human labour.
This is a very anti-money and anti-system website which is not the negative direction I want to get deep in, even if I explore my cynical concepts I think the negativity is unnecessary and not following the 'system' means you simply can't live comfortably in the world. I am seeing this as an artistic way of expressing the meaning of money and representing it in a visually enticing way which people will enjoy viewing.

Hungarian currency concept by Barbara Bernat which celebrates one of the worlds purest aspects, nature, which should be appreciated and perhaps remembered to be admired and thankful for in the more and more superficial world. Nature as a design idea could be good for countries that are known to be less 'Westernized' in which the system of money cannot be avoided but doesn't push false idols on to them. Smaller or third world country currency?

'Have you ever wondered why banknotes use portraits? Some studies show that people have more confidence in a banknote that shows a human face. This principle might also apply to “About” pages that show photos of real people instill more trust than text-only pages.'- Is a very interesting quote and good to know, however as these will be created for artistic and conceptual purposes I probably won't get hung up on focusing on portraiture, and also I believe money can be more beneficial and in relation to how the media forces false idols on to us to make us feel worse/want to be more than we are, to have anything other than people on our notes can be a positive thing and a breath of fresh air.

Modern approach to American currency by Mucho, which has varied aspects current and celebrated in America. Each to their own colour and have pattern overlaid. I could combine my ideas if the concepts are all strong enough and relevant to wherever I make currency for. Am not sure if I am going to work in an as modern style, but these are very successful in what they are made for and having the notes portrait is still functional but a design alternative to consider.

A German type based 'Notgeld' shows another way of composing the notes content, and being only 2 colours would be an ideal idea for screen print. Has a clear distinctive German style which came from artistic movements of the early 20th century. It is important, if to focus on a country/continent to see their older currencies and how they have impacted todays concepts. I enjoy that this has a clear style and is very different to other notes I have seen. Will be an inspiration for if I focus on one country or content as I will have to research their art movements and styles that will be recognised.

Franc designs from Switzerland which is known as a more harmonised and happier country in general, have the approach I personally would want in money if it were still extremely similar to the standard layouts/designs of money, but with artists/nature, even a unicorn (of which I am unsure why done, to represent dreams and the possibilities of money?)

When considering also purpose of creating new notes/coins, and having reason to uplift and consider other concepts, when I saw this Hawaii note (I have tried to find current but nothing solid is coming up), countries that have ruled or invaded smaller countries appear on the notes and the notes are in the same style as the larger continents. This is an opportunity to rebrand the currencies of smaller countries to give them their own stamp and celebrate their own culture without westernisation.

Wonka's factory, becoming the items you want to purchase. Money is the 'golden ticket' so to speak. Layout can inspire and be adjusted to include the currencies, and maybe instead of the 'Admit One' standard becoming 'Admit £20' or something. Embossing and exciting printing and cuts can be included with this idea.

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