Sunday, May 14, 2017

Design Development and crit feedback

Statistics aren't definite enough to use as it is hard to gather exact percentages on this issue, therefore I want to extract the information from my collected data from the survey (young females predominantly students).

Using the word educate in all the campaigns will coincide with the majority of education being what respondents saw as the best way to tackle the issue.

Creating a leaflet will not be necessary as those who do this would not be ones to pick up and read the leaflet, so making this campaign for public spaces and giving it an online presence to educate younger generations also (as a lot of time is spent on their phones on social media) this covers the targets guilty of catcalling and harassing.

Public awareness campaign that uses the experiences gathered in my survey giving the respondents and young women in Leeds a voice. Pink is used as majority targeted are women, and red is used along with danger symbols to highlight the threat and seriousness of the issue.

A campaign designed with clubs in mind- eyecatching nauseous colour designs made to be in your face and unappealing colour clashed like the unwanted advances people face on nights out

Using the black and white meaning through the colours, as well as red there to alert the danger and anger, this is an example that has a more serious tone to it which can be used in both clubs, publicly campaigned and online.


These can also be converted in to gifs when decided and possibly mockup design for a tote bag suiting the correspondent audiences and feedback from one of them, as it is message already given without being too direct. Totebags are a very popular and effective way of advertising in this area, so this would work brilliantly in getting the message to those in places that catcalling occurs.


-cmyk colours can be useful and effective also applying to younger club audience to use if not happy with 'acid house' style colours. although i dislike this poster, everyone from feedback thinks it works well and reminds them of rave posters/acid house posters that will catch eyes of drunk people in places like call lane/pryzym etc
-consider distribution plan of tote bags. freshers fairs/student unions all over the country
-for tagline for totebags, to be non provoking, use hashtag noblurredlines in reference to the song, and design can be lines going downward blurring-from this create a logo perhaps

-can be applied to toilet doors,urinals,buses-distribute many places as possible as a collection
-works for clubs as visual imagery will often be ignored by intoxicated people, the large bold words will catch their eye more like a warning sign

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