Wednesday, May 17, 2017

OUGD505 Evaluation

This module has really shown another level of serious considerations when designing for target audiences, the limitations and considerations of target audiences which I enjoyed as it develops my knowledge and learning.

Within the first brief there were so many possible unique outcomes and I wish I had set a lot more time aside for experimenting with my different event ideas in different traditional print methods but through feedback it was suggested I focus on the carnival. Feedback for these modules are one of the most important aspects that keep time management tight but if I can in future I should try and have initial visual ideas to bring to crits and feedback sessions as I feel I would develop the ideas and get them across so much better.

I am proud of my final traditional print as I don’t usually go down the typography route meaning a new success for me and I enjoyed hand drawing the type and giving it the carnivals energy. Although screen print didn’t go perfectly again, the fact I had two visual options and did as many experiments as I could meant that I had two versions of my final piece which received surprisingly (to me) positive feedback. This shows again why feedback is so important as I feel like maybe we do see our work for too long sometimes and don’t recognize its impact anymore! I feel positive about this piece being displayed to the public and really want to gain some feedback. An idea is to send my second print copy to the organizers of the carnival themselves, possibly from help from my family friend who is involved within the carnival- getting first hand feedback from the event organizer would be amazing, however I am nervous about it being underwhelming therefore going to wait and get feedback from others outside university.

I was really disappointed and unfulfilled that I was left short of time to create the full campaign pack for brief 2 as I feel it really does have the potential to transfer to so many distribution pieces, although I still proposed them and hope the identity is strong enough to show the potential. As well as this, I would have put up the campaign in appropriate places such as backs of toilet doors in Leeds and collected any responses from this to test the effectiveness of the campaign. A limitation of this campaign was that unfortunately possibly those who do harass and catcall may not take the societal campaign seriously and enjoy making people feel that way but issues are always worth campaigning for and I would be glad to take part in designing for positive change in my future career. Using symbols within these designs gives the protest spirit in the seminars we had for brief 2 which I also really enjoyed as I enjoy learning histories (which is why I also find lectures really interesting too). 

On a whole within this module I have wanted to stay as true as possible to those at the centre of the event/issue which is important in designing to create a bespoke piece and i'd never be happy giving back work that hasn't been considered and just designed in an expected way, when the final product needs to allude informative elements.

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