Monday, May 15, 2017

Further design development

need to link to a company sponsor who's ethos would support this campaign. was suggested as it highlights how serious the issue is and can possibly provoke fear subconsciously in to not repeating harassing behaviours. Logo has a similar look to the Spotify logo which would be useful context for recall of logo and association from students as well as relating to the campaign name.

Tote Bags for distribution at freshers fairs (can work in conjunction with certain club promotions being a positive associate for the establishment) and student unions (educating and providing student support and awareness in response to survey findings)

Needs to be stylized to appeal to student audience. creating a shape will be useful for branding and give a design appeal to the student populations in freshers fairs and student unions using the same colours used in the campaign but in an attractive way.

reminds peers of raves which is suitable for the freshers audience, coinciding with the poster designs for clubs using these colours. this branding makes a statement whilst being visually pleasing needed for these to be picked up and worn to promote the campaign and hashtag. having varied colour options also gives more flexibility of choice for all students. These would be easy to screenprint and mass produce on to white and black totebags and being used by students after being given as freebies at freshers fairs and at student unions will make a statement and curiosity of the public to look in to the hashtag.


For social media and public awareness. Will be translated in to a GIF. as well as being eyecatching enough for public awareness, the colours stand as a feminine protest in honour of respondents of my survey and their words. Despite this, posters will be posted on both gendered toilets so the campaign doesn't deliberately target men.

Posters to be put up around nightlife areas and placed inside clubs to promote awareness

A range of posters with a more serious tone to approach the general public in a campaign set in general public spaces. This range of developments more adaptable,versatile for distribution and engage audiences more not being clinical)

My billboard designs received positive comments yet mixed about including line drawings. Although the red hand is effective in indicating one of the harassment issues, I decided speaking to my peers that the range above is enough and any more different designs would be too much and to keep the campaign consistent as possible if I were to create billboards, adapt the pink and red versions as it grabs attention and it is primarily a women's issue which also translates globally where it is worse on a huger scale. The campaign will be more consistent and get the message across. Narrowing it down also means focusing on the distribution to students as my findings and experiences are mostly from that group- beer mats, key rings, lighters and cups would also be distributed along the totebags to spread the awareness and having such items used at pre drinks and nights out are reminders.
Also, targeting the campaign at men isn't the right way to go about a campaign like this meant to educate, and for our generation and future generations, equality is really important therefore although effective language, I don't want the campaign to be one sided. Using pink in the first set is enough to get the message across without being too obvious,

Adding GOV was agreed to make the topic be taken more seriously and there is a page on the website regarding harassment. This elevates the campaign to such a large scale and having this linked means education and awareness of catcalling/harassment are embedded in this generation and future generations as not okay.

Earlier I had considered LUSH as the company to relate my campaign to as they promote raising issues not so obvious with the public and want to challenge them, as well as making stark and controversial protests. However, because of the way the design has progressed and developed using emotive language and experiences from the survey whilst being styled in more of a commercialised style, creating it for a government awareness campaign directing at the public yet targeting at student generations is more fitting. Within the survey it was expressed that older generations cannot be as moulded as ours and future generations so therefore focusing the campaign on students primarily also works hand in hand with the growing issues of harassment and catcalling in student hotspots such as accommodation areas and on nights out. This campaign where distributed can aim at both.

For example, this campaign was in association with the Australian government and is effective in lending support and creating awareness of sexual harassment. Couldn't find anything like this our government has produced especially with my target audience- as this is a successful and strong campaign mine can be justified as a new approach be our government to tackle the issue inspired by the success of this campaign. These are lending support whereas mine is direct in promoting the feelings of the victims when they are too scared to answer back which is powerful enough to get the message across and make people think twice.

I actually realized it is the same typeface after designing which backs up my use of a softer but strong bold typeface for the extracts of the victims to soften them only slightly as it is likely a sensitive issue to those who contributed, whilst I wanted their message to come across bold and effectively.

GIFS for social media banners

Striking RGB colours attract eyes of internet user immediately with bombardment of emotive words to grab attention and make impact.  Emphasis is on the words at first before campaign tagline and logo come in to make viewer interested in why these words are appearing. GOV.UK is added toward the end for a remindful effect of the seriousness of the issue. The words appear quick to keep attention on the banner and timed for effect of focusing the eyes on the campaign and message after the words.

These can be placed on social media sites/sites for universities & associated companies/youtube/spotify

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