Friday, November 11, 2016

Finalisation of publication plan

-Screenprint quotation on inside page white, then pink over the top for fluorescent effect
-Fold pages using folding machine for accuracy and then kettlestitch bind
-Once bound well, create cover using white board instead of cardboard for less hard hardback cover as I feel it is more appropriate for a photo book, as hardbacks tend to be for books to read and appear more formal to the touch
-use vinyl for the cover, was going to go with bookrum relating to the cotton industry of manchester, however, vinyl is the blackest stock I could get and reflects the night nature of the book and the glossy light reflecting stock used inside tying in with the theme of neon signage glowing in the dark
-Screenprint in white then in fluorescent pink 'Get Lit'
-Whilst that is drying, screenprint in glow in the dark 'film's not dead' on the back cover'
-When both are dry screenprint the bee in the glow in the dark
-Bind the cover to my book
-Hope it doesn't go horrifically wrong

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