Friday, November 11, 2016

Studio Brief 2 Initial Interface research

In a group of 3 categories of screen based interfaces were identified and the problems noted with some examples, and what a good interface needs to achieve high rated user experience such as 'easy to use.' Two main points were that big companies interfaces are usually well designed as these are paid for and picked out from designers such as Instagram's which we all agreed was almost 'perfect'. Also, to pick out the bad interfaces, considering apps that you have deleted as it was terrible to use is a good starting point.

Personally I use only really the basic apps, so havent exprienced this issue but this leads on to thinking of poor user experience of websites, touchscreens, TV navigations etc. Browsing all different kinds of categories from travelsites to makeup sites, it is important to try them out by searching for parts of the website to understand the full user experience rather that the way it looks as this is the heart of the issue we are exploring. Currently am finding this quite difficult, and have identified websites that user experience could be enhanced on but aren't too hard to actually navigate on, such as... record shop, very blocky and unmodernised design that could be enhanced a lot of text on a page in multiple columns and very basic design another online record store with a lot of text and basic html design considering its popularity I though it would have been updated and I noticed the searching is quite confusing in the way it is listed as instead of initially coming up with most relevant search it can be quite hard to find the vinyl you want.

u7 very interesting layout despite loading times, but the play section is ambiguous and does its own thing and will select the wrong one that you didn't click on which is interesting as it is a portfolio for a graphic programmer

LinkedIn has been slated for its overcrowding of unimportant contents and Facebook ambition
very funny old windows version which included dog/cat help buddys and an inside interior which have rooms for each section of interest. This could be quite interesting to modernise and make adjustable but perhaps too complicating for an interface? is quoted that Windows 8 'suffers from the Windows Bob effect' for such beautiful films the website is rarely updated and doesn't do the visuals any justice what is going on here? updates on people getting busted for decorating their cars? a terrifying user experience on the eyes and mind strange flash tiles stood up with long loading time if it turns out what you need is at the back, which would be extremely hard to find out anyway doesn't display its main focus of album covers very well

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