Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Thirsty Planet campaign strategy and initial visual
-campaigns need to be motivating the audience,
- know what needs to change and the opportunity to do so
-'Campaigns are needed because there is an urgent problem which has to be made public in order to be resolved. Effective motivation needs simplicity in message and purpose.'
-'Pictures are far more powerful than words. Good ones tell the story and the best need no caption. And pictures cannot be interrogated or argued with. Make your campaign speak in characters and symbols that are larger-than-life. The only things stronger than images are face to face contact and direct engagement in doing the campaign.'
'Lucozade's new campaign seeks to reposition the brand less as a hangover cure and more as the drink of choice for busy people on the move who want to be on top form.'

The Objective (make less of a hangover cure, and more of a drink for those on the move to cure their dips in energy)

Lucozade’s ‘Find Your Flow’ was one of the biggest campaigns in 2015, targeting a wide audience of ‘everyday strivers’ with a combination of TV, Radio and OOH. Everyday strivers comprised people who work hard, play hard and pack their days full. Looking to make a big impact and position Lucozade as relevant to everyday dips in energy levels, a further campaign objective was to target a more specific audience of those strivers who are ‘on the move’.

The Strategy (targeting commuters through radio peak times and large billboards)

We knew that Lucozade had to do something completely original and that our large format DOOH sites would provide the solution in targeting the everyday strivers on the move. But more crucially, this message could be amplified using another powerful medium, radio, to create a standout audio-visual experience...Together, we established the idea of synchronising Lucozade’s radio schedule spot times, which were running adjacent to traffic bulletins on all major radio groups, with our portfolio of national digital roadside panels. This would create a unique, emotive and engaging experience for drivers in need of a Lucozade Energy boost.

Playful, light hearted fresh bold designs that grab attention from far away due to their fizziness created by these motivated taglines which I think are perfect for the 18-24 year old target audiences of the Thirsty Planet competition.

Aim to create an attractive looking brand whilst also making the nourishment of these countries important, showing the beauty of where the donations are going to and its potential with light hearted statements with the focus being on the two countries focused on by Thirsty Planet as they make it clear their ethics and focus are on the donations and is what sets them apart from other brands.

Palm leaves patterns are a trend right now popping up from on prints to dresses, and is a beauty from these countries. If this is already a trend, an attractive campaign involving these could prompt more interest in sales which is all good for the donations!

waves representing nourishment and refreshment their water is and does

could go more minimal/abstract done in the flags colours

handmade detail to add to their ethical/transparent aims and allowing the countries it donates to, to help build their tools themselves to encourage pride and prosperity. adds honesty.

reflect flag colours gradient?

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