Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Thirsty Planet key components

'pump it'- describing the water pumps
'do good'- the ammount of people your donation will help and 5000 litres per bottle
'making waves'- progress of thirsy planet
'hydrate, donate'- every bottle donates
'change a life'- knock on effects of having the aid for facilities
'more than just water'-saving lives quenching that thirst
'one bottle, 5000 litres'- emphasis on positive impact

powerful typeface to impact the visual language, making the words an encouragement
trustworthy sincere typeface to work within companies ethics and goals
Blobrush,komica axis, AS carter, cocogoose
Baskerville is considered the most persuasive trustworthy font

flag colour scheme
palm tree leaves trend for aesthetic attention of the generation 18-24
handwrendered detail to emphasize honest ethics of the company

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