Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Studio Brief 2: Discogs and Hair Dye Gallery user interface issues

After discussions with peers showing my previous research blog post, these two were most appropriate for a redesign given they are still like this to this day and just by showing screengrabs of the sites it was identified that their designs were offputting and bad for their brand.

Discogs especially was difficult to navigate to find closest to what you wanted (as it is a marketplace for vinyl). Knowing users of this website makes it even better in terms of target audience research and user experience which is lessened by the interface. Recently on a night out in a popular Leeds music venue, I approached people outside asking if they used Discogs to buy vinyl and those who did all uttered straight away when asked about its user experience that is was more frustrating and difficult than it needed to be. In particular, comments from a previous IT designer outside the venue he stated
-It is not designed for a good user experience
-Needs to be interface additions to create better communication between buyers and sellers
-Difficult to get the results you want fast and efficiently as it should be

From a local music student, he stated
-useful information on the product but first time users are put off by too much text
-especially first time users can mistake conditions of the vinyl as being good enough
-doesnt show shipping which can vary a lot between different sellers
-when selling products the functionality of the website can be problematic

Within group discussion, the question proposed was 'How can buying vinyl on Discogs become more tailored to make a better user experience?

The app is a lot simpler and easy to navigate without all the blocks of text,but as they are so different this raises the issue of Discogs not having a consistent branding/user experience across devices...

Working on Hair Dye Gallery could be a lot more worth it in terms of that it has the potential to become a lot bigger and be used by millions of people like Discogs is, it just needs an interface that is designed to make people take it more seriously. There also is no app for it which leaves a gap and an opportunity to complete it. As a regular user myself, although it isnt difficult to navigate it could be so much more.

Points raised in discussion:
-people usually have to google image search for certain hair dye effects which can be confusing from personal experience, as a lot of the images arent that dye at all which doesnt help the confusion and wondering. would be easier if it were all in the one place
-the mass amounts of listing on the site reduce legibility
-doesn't look trustworthy or legit due to interface design
-childish/too much text, isn't direct due to this

Question: How can hairdyegallery's user experience be optimized and easier to use?

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