Monday, October 10, 2016

After crit aims

Being honest i felt not splitting the groups in theory sounds like itd be good and youd gain heaps of feedback but it is quite the opposite. I only got suggestions or praise of what i had mentioned and I asked people if they enjoyed neon and nearly everyone nodded their head but this isn't really valuable for my production. Therefore, I am still quite confused and unsure of which direction to go in and am trying to ask various people their opinions...
I was aware that although I don't want to be conventional and have text directing those reading to the location of the neon type itself, I need to remember to mention the text and not get swept away with the night out concept as the brief is what I need to achieve.

Solid elements
-Type is illuminated by the editing and the fact it was approaching night time, and also the effect of disposable camera method
-are all taken on a wander in Manchester city centre
-limited to small publication/small photo size
for best quality of image, due to being taken on a disposable
-target audience of Mancunians/creatives/lovers of the tacky and eccentric, photographers or photography enthusiasts probably 18+
-celebrates the electric feel and way cities are lit up such as new york and tokyo
'Neon signs create iconic landmarks in city centres, such as New York's Times Square (Rex)''each sign handcrafted'
Neon will long spell ‘downtown’ in bright, emotionally uplifting and hugely popular firework light.'

-neon light bars are continuous due to the liquid inside
-can be used on all black stock/printed black ideally as research in to this has encouraged me that this will illuminate the letter forms even further and celebrate the night time style
-variation in distance and clarity in some cases, of the letter forms
-location is actually quite ambiguous so a directory wouldn't be appropriate
-i want the book to be as attracting and valued as neon signage which informs my design production

I would be happy to create a photo book as the design would make it stand out anyway, but I am currently wondering how I can add context and what to add to make it even better. Also, which production method to use in terms of binding or having a sleeve.

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