Monday, October 10, 2016

Night out book concept

-audience being people who go out at night in Manchester to these places and see these signs, aswell as neon lovers and creatives alike
-my signage is very diverse like the people who go there, are put together due to the neon
-seedy glamour/tacky connotation can be disregarded with the design production, gives it a purpose, to celebrate the craft and reason they are lit
-night out diary/memory book that allows personalisation
-small publication like a diary
-like the way i used a disposable camera, like life and memories those moments cant be redone, gone in a flash apart from in memory and in writing
-bright side of the dark night
-because of the editing the reader pays attention to the typography and the craft as the contrast is so crisp, may have missed them and not paid attention on nights out

I need to find similar publications 'diaries/memory books' which can aid inspiration in doing this as I don't know if the market for these is prevalent enough to inform my design. throughout books i have already researched, having photo heavy pages in black is a certain way I want this to be done but I have been struggling with text/content to include so maybe the right way to do it is to have it personalised? I will also consider going to these places and asking people what they think of manchester at night if possible, as the way the Cummins book i just read spoke of the place was a way in which i relate and is a reason I love typography, it takes you back to that place and makes you feel a certain way

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