Monday, October 3, 2016

Night out concept

After more time speaking to others and hearing feedbacks from the presentations on projects, as well as going out and seeing where my style of type would be attractive to consumers and finding my target audience, aswell as exploring books on neon type, I need to think of the type itself in my images and why those places illuminated these words.

I see neon signage as grabbing attention, even from far away, and especially with nightlife it is crucial to be able to see where the next bar is...
In relation to my night out experience concept, I could use the photographs edited in a high contrast fashion as representing remembering a moment you had on a night out, the memory of being alerted or having a flashback to something. This could work alongside my quotations gathered from either my generation and my friends or older ages to try and attract a wider audience of those who would pick up my book. I think it would be a succesful selling concept alongside with my photographs. It would make a funny, enjoyable read and this could work with using fluorescent colours/glowsticks or whatever else. Also, perhaps having the quotes in glow in the dark allows the images to flourish but makes it an experience reading it in the dark. Reasons I had noted for this idea were...

-I am a proud Manc who loves the nightlife there and have said since moving there is a special electric atmosphere unifying the music and party lovers especially near the universities
-Know a lot of people of the 'Manc scene' so to speak, who could give me some interesting material
-Having the book bounded by glowsticks or celebrating the run through/continuous line of neon bars by having basic illustrations or a bar running through the book would be celebrating the style of type I have chosen
-To fully embrace and relate to the signage, I could find peoples experiences with the locations or the brands and link/locate them in my book as a guide

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