Tuesday, October 25, 2016

InDesign session on setting up to print

in preperation for two print outs of my book tommorow before adding the cover these pre sets are important to prepare as it would be commercially and before perfect binding my book

print booklet allows us to reorder pages depending on binding methods
print blank pages ticked for my intro pages and to be stuck to the cover
margin on mine needs to be bigger, 20mm to be safe
trim once folded and bound
centred scale
two sidedlong edge binding
gloss stock replicating the dark glossy photo book finish I enjoyed in this book I previously researched

2 up perfect bound
standard perfect bind setup
file>print>centred>printer setup>long edge binding>two sided

print setup>pages>range
if i decide to kettle stitch and not perfect bind to seperate booklets i print 4 times ranging 1 to 8, 9 to 16, 17 to 24, 25 to 32
click preview to check

perhaps print one in booklets to stitch and one set up for perfect binding to ensure the best is taken forward?

also due to my prototype displaying the difference in blacks of indesign pages and my photographs, when printing the setting needs to be applied that matches the blacks meaning no borders

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