Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Final Designs Front Cover

Reminds me of Art Attack, very art styled typeface. However, also has a Flintstone aspect to its style.

Despite initially wanting to avoid thinner spaces within letters, the thick outline makes it look really legible and makes the background not overly distracting and works harmoniously with the shades.

More controlled lines but more of a sci-fi aimed look to its design and the figure and ground are balanced out which I don't want to happen, as I want the title to pop off the page.

Thicker lines give title more of a pop and more definition. If more tightly kerned it would look stronger.

The slant adds a fun power to the publication and adds enticement to open. Due to its design, kerning would have to be carefully thought out, or its more scrambled appearance could resonate with the freedom and choice of the child colouring in the book.

Very smooth lines make easy reading  and tighter kerning can make it stronger.

A different approach to my idea for the typeface, due to the hump quirk. This makes it look slightly more mature but the design works on making the title stand out. Need to gather feedback.
To tie in with the theme of colouring in between the lines (or out if they decide to), but to match the pictures designed in slightly thick black line vectors I sought out typefaces that weren't too boring that they would put off a child being excited about opening the concertina, but to see the title pop out at them and contrast against the blend of all colours in the background. Either Colour Fiction or Cast Your Colour, as the first directly connects with the idea colours aren't definite non fiction, they are down to the child's imagination or interpretation based on the genre, and Cast Your Colour to hint their power over deciding the colours within the book which makes it personal to them giving the publication a unique quality.

Choosing the blended out colour wheel I feel is the appropriate cover as it is a handout publication meant to be educational but in a personalised, fun engaging way which makes the young audience want to have their input of their expression of colour theory through famous distinct fiction genres. The colours cover all aspects of the stretch of their imagination should be going, all the options to associate and input in to the drawings and be eye-catching to pick up. Also, the background fits as an introduction of what to come as by having the colour wheel dissected on the next page it works succesfully as a design decision. Having it a slightly paler saturation allows the figure/title to bounce off the page and still stands out peripherally without being too overwhelming. The subtle circling detail also gives the design a light design adding a depth/texture look to the cover.

Not going for extremely wobbly lines that indicate more of an illustrative task than a colouring in one, these typefaces pop out due to their thick strong outlines and fun non serious shapes. Not being too thin is also important as the space between the lines makes the title more legible and clear, and represents the spaces they have to fill within the concertina.

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