Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Tv Licence Studio Brief 2 initial ideas

Through minor discussions on the study task I chose to watch on TV licences and how outdated the video was, I discussed my ideas to make a postcard with short clumps of info and scary realities of fines to our student age group, the use of social media versus watching tv debate was brought up of which we are most addicted to. I then had the idea of the postcard being the TV emoji which is the newest modern language of our era and relates to smartphones as well as being a TV.

At this stage, I need to sketch and think of other ideas but this seems like a great way to combine our procrastinations with the TV Licence letters many are ignoring being thrown in to the screens we are known to not tear ourselves away from. Within the screen I could have 'Stop' or the famous reference line from the film 'Taken' which could be watched illegally, changed to 'We will find you, and we will fine you' which has the same tone of voice as the public information video but updated and more modern for this brief. This idea made a lot of people laugh in our age group which is the target audience, and is worrying but humorous which is the tone of voice I really want to work with to make this brief interesting and engaging to young adults.

Also, statistics and other content is a scary prospect which will be more likely paid attention to when they notice a large funny TV emoji coming through their letterbox. Opposed to the video which was very old, having the info coming at you from the screen also resonates with those paranoid about modern technology and its advances in finding peoples information. This will not focus on that of course as it is only supposed to be moderately worrying as it is a serious issue that can cost a student a lot of money.

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