Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Pictures for Colour Fiction initial drawings and vectors

rough sketches of what illustrations would define each genre and have enough different compartments to colour in for enough colour options to project and that children would find engaging and identifiable.

2 different ideas, without own dinosaur vector yet as i can't decide. the previous idea doesn't seem exciting enough for kids to want to colour in.

Own vector or an internet image in corner as I cannot decide

Vector from own design which perhaps doesn't look professional enough, and the other bigger vector which is my own done over an internet image

 Fun fairytale crown that has a great balance of compartments to colour in

Represents horror without being too scary. Not sure if actual internet bat is too much in comparison to balance of other images, outlined ones at bottom may be enough in small quantity and varied sizes

Simplified vector of internet image- but may look very separate to other images as it is in a different style. Clue layout looks well balanced and can all be different colours if the children decide

When presented to fellow students, the feedback was that I had balanced and filled the space very well for it's orientation and that the illustrations would be clear for the target audience. Improvements are to add black to parts such as eye sockets with no detail in to make illustrations less flat looking and for illustrations surrounding, go for simple outlines rather than small internet copies with over detail in balance with the figure of the page. The dinosaur will be taken forward as the action figure as it implies the genre lightly and is more exciting and makes more sense than my other two ideas.

It appears doing vectors for the first time was indeed a risk and I was scary to put forward my designs, but in turn has been a success and has made me more confident in using Illustrator software.

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