Monday, January 4, 2016

Flood Leaflet Task/Infographics Introduction

Pre Study Task 3 which will spur the theme of my content for studio brief 2 which I want to make really fun and interesting, given very formal polite information of who to contact in case of a flood it is clear how many factors need to be taken in to consideration when producing public information publications.

Information was cut down to the key emergency contact details, in a laminated postcard like format which would float on water in such an emergency. There was the calming reassurance of blue waves which makes the information easily understood from far away as being to do with the issue of water and is a soothing colour to calm readers. Also, 'flood' covering near enough the entirety of the front in a sans serif font which makes it most easily readable.

What needs to be considered is the amount of information/does it need to be shortened and straight to the point in case of an emergency like the flood information was, for example. Consider the cultural and social links to the issue and severity of the information you are dealing with. Designs can't mock peoples beliefs.

In preperation for studio brief 2 i'm aware of the stigma attached to infographics/public information, that it is generally mass produced to fit all audiences and is usually quite plain/dull/predictably designed, which I don't want to happen with my publication. Target audience aiming is a way of having a chance to make something more unusually designed which may not be appreciated by all the general public which I must research in to as well as how info graphics for my information has been approached differently in the past.

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