Monday, January 4, 2016

Study Task 3 Tv License Columbo

A very short public information film that is very dated, but back in those days a van that technologically advanced that indicated those who didn't think they would be caught immediately on radios/screens/through the mammoth aerial  and the impending doom of 'the man' coming to find you in the scary van is something I think works humorously with the fear many of us students feel getting the multiple letters through the door such as I did in my first term,

The video is dated but the fear is still the same for most, whereas many still dont reply and feel 'the man' would never actually have out them under investigation at all unlike me who freaked out and sorted it out right away. Hearing of a student in Leeds getting fined 1200, its a risk that isn't worth it for students pockets and overdrafts can only stretch so far. Already I can see the fun and humorous prospect of sending this information to students in an engaging way that relates to our modern addiction to social media/televisions/drinking, all procrastinating activities such as ignoring sorting a TV licence. Watching TV illegally especially, as a warning popping up would scare the hell out of those sat in their halls round the TV with their dominoes. This is a solid idea which is an issue me and my friends are familiar with and is an issue not worth risking.

Getting modern and reliable statistics is one of the most important issues to tackle as thats where the fear lies, especially in fines as students generally are skint.

 Also, recommendations of other ways to watch programmes without a licence such as catch up television online. This can help prevent the problem.

A link to TV licence declaration which was in the letter, which is ever so easy to complete

TV/laptop/smartphone shaped leaflet?

Humourous but scary reality tone of voice related titles/subheadings

Large bodies of text are often overlooked by students not wanting to deal with adult based content as it scares them, key not to be as plain/formal as the letters and encourage students to resolve the issue.

consider stock of leaflet/sides

research in to other approaches

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