Saturday, January 23, 2016

OUDG405 Overall Evaluation

Through this module, I have learnt so much more and understood more than the last, and this is because of the theme of communicating information. Graphic Design is complex and is not about just being aesthetically pleasing, which I have had to tear myself away from a couple of times in this module, liking the look of a mockup due to it's more daring style typeface but going with the more refined legible typeface which for its audience works to their advantage and is successful in attending to their needs of wayfinding or retaining important information.

Through the Wayfinding Brief, it is the subtle detail of the framing which laid the foundations for it's concept without having to use colour. Colour to me is something I often consider first as it is a quick way to remake something, associations already being tied to individual colours which are communicated in an instant to the viewer, but for the Art Gallery this would be just too much and there was no use for it. The Wayfinding needed to be quickly communicated and seen in the building easily and from far away, in which the framing set in the signage and contrast of black and white couldn't be faulted in.

I enjoyed the proccess of making my Tv Licence booklet so much as I felt comfortable working for my own target audience and I enjoy condensing boring information in to more interesting engaging language, and working in a bold eye catching style. In future I should sketch what is related to different target audiences I could approach when coming up with ideas. First and foremost my knowledge of tools need to expand over time for better physical outcomes but I can say I thoroughly enjoyed this brief which is an exciting prospect for me and what is to come in following modules.

Again, I feel like I need a much wider variety of initial ideas to bring to feedback as they are a goldmine for seeing different interpretations of an idea and ways to expand and approach the practical side of the concept. It can be hard to tear away from one way of handling a brief when it is praised by peers and does work, but through these briefs I am learning the smaller ideas can lead on to way bigger concepts and functions. Despite minor mistakes, I know what they are and I learn from them each time, but most importantly I feel my final designs fit their purpose very well and I am satisfied with what I have accomplished and have enjoyed the module very much.

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