Monday, January 11, 2016

Studio Brief 2 Final Crit

-Make stats more impactful by using cost of licence a day which is around 40p, opposed to saying £24 a month which seems like more or the full annual amount.
-Introduce the sectioning and emphasise the stats whilst keeping the humour
-On on humour to not retract the student to seeing it as being all round serious as the letters
-Experiment with colours and type I have referred to in my handouts
-Stock needs to be crisp white to ensure best colour print, and thick to avoid wrinkling as it is interactive.

Rev's Vodka poster colour scheme, yellow being the most vivid in tone in comparison to using alarm red which stands out but tone is too similar to other colours. For the first attempt at the layout/colour scheme after feedback and my new multiple pages idea the important information in the yellow jumps off the page and would be eye catching even peripherally.

CMYK contrasting colours from Rev's vodka poster colour scheme

Tv Licenses own student aimed colour scheme applied

Milder combinations don't have the same dramatic effect, and working in black and white would make the impact of info graphics flat

doesn't balance with the height of texts

Different typefaces similar to event flyers that without colour, help the title bounce off the page

Despite the Mexcellent stripy font working well at grabbing students attention and popping off the page brilliantly, my first set at the top using all Din still alert the important information in yellow and is more coherent with the message I am trying to deliver and would be taken more seriously for the informative purpose, rather than just a good looking post through the door.

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