Friday, January 8, 2016

Studio Brief 2 Interim Crit and Research ADD FLYERS

Research and layout ideas/information preparation notes for the crit

I also showed peers info-graphic examples aimed at students, as well as flyers that seemed most popular to pin up in our flats. Colours, layout, typography styles and tone of voice are what I wanted them to capture to know what I was going for

Mix of bright to catch the readers attention, with use of the Din typeface which fills and contrasts really well amongst the different bright tones and looks more fun and dynamic than using a serif font such as times new roman for example.

Pokes fun at young peoples habits and social media relevance, uses pictograms resembling emojis, use of Din looks fresh and young while still being serious and not patronising, is bold enough amongst the pale colours

Popular in student flats are huge, off the page popping bold titles with high contrast either black and white or across loud colours

These examples show how straight to the point these companies aim to be to engage busy stressed students, and Din proves to be a strong young dynamic typeface that works to make infographics look more than average.

Swivel style booklet of information with rounded off cut such as this example with TV emoji filling

Swivel part put in on the right dial of the emoji cards stacked together, to not invade the legibility of design and words and imitates the swiping right we do on our smartphones daily and means with more pages the information can be split in to sections and fill the screen meaning the text isn't as overwhelming as inital postcard design with all info on the back.

Capitals to command attention be bold as possible in comparison to TV licence letters sent through which are often ignored due to plain letter format. Bright colours, maybe even if I make an envelope if I feel it would still be ignored, will make the information stand out amongst other letters. Such as event flyers are often picked up and looked at by students and pinned on the wall for reference and due to their bold, loud designs without blocks of text. Appropriate for the target audience of students and is known from personal experience knowing we keep many in our flat for decoration and at friends flats.

Most popular I've seen are the boldly coloured ones, such as Revolutions vodka poster using bright yellow pink and blue CMYK Primary colours, such as the TV licencing ad aimed at students.This may be because students love vodka and posters, but using similar designs will make the readers pay attention whereas before this information does not get a second look. The swivel design also makes it different from any information leaflets I have seen and is a more interesting way to separate information and links in with the TV emoji layout working with our social media obsession, which our eyes are glued to a lot of the time therefore will attract people to this design.

Tyography, I will want to keep to 2 typefaces and I have experimented with sans serif bold for main headings and then considered less serious ones for more descriptive text below and to contrast the serious tone with the humorous tone of voice I am aiming for the target audience of students who turn a blind eye to the daunting serious tones of voice as it is new to our age group to have warnings and fines threatened as it is a new responsibility. This is meant to be a humorous suggestive information package that tells the target audience to stop ignoring it (which the design is done for, for initial attention drawn) and declare the licence instead of getting more of the serious letters coming through.

Pushing the fine amount of over £1000 is my main push in this information as with students being notoriously budgeting and often only just making it through the term with their student loan, if they are fined they will be in serious trouble and it would be a life ruining situation for many. I want to emphasize the risk in hand and if it is worth it, and suggest the other solutions such as catch up TV. Adding the Netflix and Chill joke went down well with peers as it is a funny saying all older age groups are catching on to and isn't overly offensive, but will engage the readers and make them maybe respect the information more if it is using their light hearted lingo and adds to the chance of them listening to the information if they feel it has their own interests at heart, and to visit the website which I will link.

If an envelope seems necessary to ensure the information is not just thrown away, despite knowing it will be quite costly to do, the envelope will have the same 3 colour scheme and be addressed specifically to the student such as the formal letters, but perhaps with something funny on it to ease them in to trusting it isn't a scary letter. 'Not Another TV Licence Letter' is an idea, as a play on the film 'Not Another Teen Movie' which drew people in as it was a piss take of standard american movies and the play on words would be understood by the target audience. Also, this information is delivered differently than the standard tv licence letter that is chucked away so often and not taken seriously, so having that or something similar on the envelope distinguishes the difference in tone of voice and really, it isn't a letter inside. This will be debated and put forward in the final crit tomorrow to see if this would be a successful idea that ties in with my main idea so far.

Experimentation with bold typography I could use and the layout frame, to try out before applying Din as I wanted to explore more options.

A very basic first try at how I can balance the important info with the smaller print in a less formal bold font that will work with putting students at ease and humorous tone of voice. It was identified and agreed this was too much information for one side and the important information such as the costs and warnings could be sectioned and made even larger if on different cards.

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