Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Collab set work for the week

Start designing rough ideas either pattern focused or on cute unusual animals
chinchillas, axolotyls, etc...as the market uses the same animals a lot to attract the caring soft side of people to grab their attention to product, such as kittens for digestives which doesn't relate. This is because, according to their market director; 'The smile-inducing cuteness of each animal is used to convey the sweetness of each McVities biscuit. Sarah Heynen, United Biscuits marketing director, told The Drum: “We wanted a big fame-driving idea and no one has ever seen any advertising quite like this.” “The new advertising builds on the idea that McVitie’s biscuits really do make the day go that little bit better,” she added.'

We want designs that are going to pull on the heartstrings and bring a smile to the buyer and whom they are buying for to cheer up. Along with dazzling colourful patterns, a unique quirky illustration of cute animals not as often focused on would give us a unique selling point which we aim for. Our styles combined and discussions thus far have shown we want to be quite daring and stand out amongst other cards in the similar market that I have photographed in shops such as Joy and Urban Outfitters with the more indie/quirky market of greeting cards which we want to transfer and expand to gift wraps and wrapping papers like ones in Paperchase.

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