Thursday, February 9, 2017

Collaboration for YCN brief 'UK Greetings' initial discussion

Getting to collaborate with other design studios from other areas of the university although I have heard is stressful, I am very excited about the potential of learning new things from the person and combining skill sets and design work! For this brief in particular, our designs need to be strong and eye catching for a chance for us to win! Winning a responsive brief would be the best feeling as I feel I need to show my work beyond online platforms and get feedback from people I out of my circle.

When it came to walking to the UK Greetings assigned table, it was only me and fellow graphic design student Nanami. I wanted to do UK greetings as I am always in awe of clever, quirky and imaginative greeting card/wrapping paper designs, especially in places like Paperchase and Joy as they arent as bland and stereotypical as main greeting card stores. Am also always looking out for flyers to collect and event posters. Encapsulating an event in one image is something I find particularly fun as it is restricting yet so much opportunity of composition, style and colour.

With this being my number one brief of interest, seeing that there was only one graphic designer stood at the same table would seem limiting, however, even though we had hoped for an illustrator (but none left wanted to do the same brief), in our first collaboration discussion, we have realised we both very much enjoy hand drawn design/painting, the more art side of graphics. This therefore is an amazing opportunity to get stuck in to that side of design knowing we both enjoy illustration/fine art aspects alot. It is a chance to create something very bespoke and intricate, something truly unique that would stand out against the mundane, especially in the competition.

Luckily, Nanami has experience in pattern design and even considered a course in it before choosing graphics, which is something I have not experimented with a lot as I am more of a free drawer. Despite this, we would both enjoy pieces not clinical, which is perfect for the brief being for celebrations. We both are very colourful types of people who enjoy the idea of cheering others up by using design which is an interesting starting topic and a direction we are looking in to.

We compiled our similarities in artists of focus, our own strengths along with shared, as a decent starting point to know we are on the same track which is crucial in collaboration.

cardset, notepads, gift bags, boxed notecard set,repeat pattern wrapping paper

After first meeting we agreed to meet the following Monday after taking images of cards/wallpaper/patterns that inspire us for the UK greetings requirements to create an idea board and our theme. We are particularly interested in uplifting design styles and Yayoi Kusama's work.

We both dislike the mass digitalised Moonpig style of greetings franchises, enjoy sincerity of letters and genuine thoughtful visual language. We also both collect and enjoy looking at artworks of cards/flyers/etc which we never knew!

Contrasting with more niche, alternative creative industry versions in Colours May Vary

The colour palettes in Colours May Vary are a lot more pastel shades, with more quirky and unusual features, which fits our endangered animal theme which for those wanting to buy a truly unique card to send, is a huge advantage. In the situation of wanting to cheer a loved one up, in agreement with a conversation I had earlier today, people aim to buy from a more niche unusual spot for a unique card less people will have, making it more special.

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