Sunday, February 5, 2017

TBWA Papyrus charity mini brief

Opportunity to create a unique adult colouring line drawing aimed at those suffering with mental health issues such as depression and anxiety to create respite and temporary soothing relief with subject matter and shapes and patterns used to prevent suicide amongst young adults. In the brief they mention that colouring has been a proven to relieve stress and anxiety, meaning I need to create a line drawing that gives a lot of options with a positive, taboo busting, calming theme. Also is meant to be something that soothes me personally, but I'd prefer to do some research beforehand from fellow familiars of mental health issues and what positive quotes people are getting out there as self love is being promoted more and more.

Prevention quote researchQuotes that give hope/positivity to the person in a non patriotic, uplifting manner or that could inspire my ideas.

'Once you choose hope, anything is possible' - Christopher Reeve
'What the caterpillar calls the end of the world, the master calls a butterfly' - opportunity to create an evolution from caterpillar to butterfly which would have a lot of colour in detail with a strong message.
'This is not your fault'

From personal experience, in that very down emotional state I can find some other quotes like 'it gets better' or 'if you are looking for a sign, this is it' rather patronising and unbelievable and I feel unbiased themes that can give the person a distraction and soothing escape is extremely important. However, important to not be bias on my own experiences, so I contacted some friends and family who have had similar relevant mental health issues and discovered that generally what people find soothing can be very particular when asked.

From People I Know
'puppies or fashion silhouettes' - costume student who suffers with depression. Animals are known for their stress relieving attributes, and even workplaces have dog visiting days for stress relief in the work place!
'...I threw the book out the window due to all the too intricate details' - design student who argues having too small fine details to colour in can increase the distress they are in when they turn to such a book
I then got an contradicting point of this from a friends housemate suffering with mental health issues that perhaps the small intricate details being filled in are beneficial to the colorer ins own issues and gives a feeling of fulfilling and feeling organised/completion.
'an ocean would be very calming and soothing'- from a family member with history of depression, which goes hand in hand with my waved style of illustration.

Instagram hashtag #worldmentalhealthday
core users of Instagram platform are young adults

'There's good things'
'I have the power to heal them'
'Love yourself first'
'Stars can't shine without darkness'
'depression is a flaw in chemistry not in character'
'im proud of you'

these quotes were posted in aid of world mental health day to remind and boost people who suffer the challenges of mental health issues

Science behind the theraputic effect of colouring

Dr. Stan Rodski, a neuropsychologist who also happens to be the author of his own line of adult coloring books, says that coloring elicits a relaxing mindset, similar to what you would achieve through meditation. Like mediation, coloring allows us to switch off our brains from other thoughts and focus on the moment. Tasks with predictable results, such as coloring or knitting, can often be calming — Rodski was even able to see the physical effects they had on our bodies by using advanced technology.
“The most amazing things occurred — we started seeing changes in heart rate, changes in brainwaves,” he told the Australian Broadcasting Corporation, adding that part of this neurological response in “colorists” comes from the repetition and attention to patterns and detail associated with coloring.

Dr. Joel Pearson, a brain scientist at the University of New South Wales in Australia presented a different explanation for the therapeutic effect: Concentrating on coloring an image may facilitate the replacement of negative thoughts and images with pleasant ones.
This is amazing to begin to understand the healing nature of expressing ourselves through art and across so many mental health issues, focusing on the shapes and lines and filling the colour can shift their negative thinking patterns. This is especially why I want to create something with various shapes and colour opportunities and create a little world to get lost in through the main focus of the line drawing may that be a living thing or largest shape.

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